Thursday, June 3, 2010

To focus

I'm going to tell you a won't be a secret anymore...but sometimes when I blog, okay, I mean all the time when I blog, I sit down and eat a mint. The truth be told, I eat tons of mints. I never used to eat them until about 6 months ago. I keep them at my desk and those mints along with a little bit of music, I begin to blog. My mints are refreshing and they get me going, my fingers start moving on the keyboard and the praying begins. These mints help me maintain my focus. I reward myself every little bit and eat one or two. I've haven't blogged much lately and I have been missing my mints. These little tasty round balls of sugar are delightful once they hit my taste buds. They quickly melt in my mouth leaving a refreshing taste. I'm not sure how many calories they have and I am not going to look now, but by the end of my blogging session I usually down a handful of them, or more.

My son is focused without mints. He gets up everyday at 4:30 and leaves the house by 5:00 to go swim for 2 1/2 hours, goes to school all day and then returns back to the pool and swims again for 2 hours. Just because I am an adult doesn't mean I know all or know more than him. Sure, life experience counts, but I was never as focused as a young individual as he is now. He knows something that I don't and that is how to focus and maintain the focus to achieve your goals.

I think he sees the big picture down the road with his hard work and dedication. He just got back from a training program, all expenses paid, the first step of three in a process of grooming a talented individual for the Olympics. Now don't get excited, he's not going to the Olympics yet because he still has some growing and more hard work ahead of him, but the 'big dogs" have taken notice of him and sent him away to train him at their cost. They tell him to start thinking about being on "TEAM USA". They tell him it is all mental at this point because he has the skill and talent, now he has to focus on the goal. Sound simple, no way. It's as hard as heck and he doesn't even eat mints.

I try to think back about what I was doing at that time in my life and all I can remember was thinking about trying to figure out a way to pass a test without studying, how I could pass on my chores to my brother and sister and watching after school programs on T.V. (which at my age, there weren't many). I try to place myself in his situation and I know I would fail miserably because it takes a very talented individual and someone who is focused enough to utilize the God given talent in a Godly way. He is very humble by the way, his mother is not so much. She is just proud of his accomplishments and his character and is happy for him.

Most people that know my son care very much about him. He is a friend of everyone. I also have never heard a foul comment come out of his mouth about anyone. If there is fault with a person, he excused them and moves on. Forgiven. Done!

I have learned a lot from my son. God has blessed me greatly!

One day while picking my son's brain I asked him what he thinks about when he gets ready to perform. He said he thanks God for letting him be there and to just help him do his best. I know I was not as mature at his age as he is now because I would have probably prayed asking God to help me win. Maybe that's why I wasn't where he is now. My thoughts were selfish, his are not. He gives glory back to God and thanks Him.

My son is still a young teen and doesn't always pick up his dirty laundry, feed the dogs and so on...however, one thing that I know is that he knows his talent that God gave him was given to him as a gift and can be taken away and he is grateful and gives his talent back to others through his smile, encouragement to others and love for his family by thanking us constantly.

Matthew 25:29 (PLEASE GET YOUR BIBLE AND READ THIS PARABLE IN ITS' ENTIRETY) "For to every person who has something, even more will be given, and he will have more than enough; but the person who has nothing even the little that he has will be taken away from him." In translation, I believe for everything that God gives us we must utilize it in His name and if we do we will have abundance and for those who are unfaithful, even what little they have this too will be taken away due to their fear and lack of trust in the Lord. We must remember to be focused on God in everything we do!

3 Mints equals 60 calories

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