Sunday, March 29, 2015


I took this picture some time ago of the Holy Family in the prayer garden of my church.  I frequent the prayer garden that is adjacent to our chapel.  The statue is a holy reminder to me of obedience to God.  Our obedience begins with our parents as we honor, love and obey them.  And, it is in this obedience that we gain wisdom into the will of God by obedience to his 10 Commandments. 

Last night my granddaughter (4 1/2) years old, insisted on disobeying me and what instructions I thought to be important for her safety.  She disobeyed.   She persisted to ignore my requests over and over again.  And, as a grandmother, I did not want to be the one to punish her, however her mother was not home, which left me to be the one to follow through.  It ached every bone in my body to raise my voice and take away a favorite stuffed animal of hers, which was her consequence. She cried and cried and cried until she realized I was not returning her stuffed animal anytime soon.  

It was later in the evening that I was readying myself for bed, she came into my room and asked me if her animal could be returned.  I told her 'most certainly, not".  She thought about it and then said she was sorry (which is a hard thing for her or any child to do particularly when they are purposely being deviant) and she said, "maybe tomorrow will be a better day and we can talk about it tomorrow."  I told her talking about it tomorrow would be better because she would have time to think about what she did wrong and she agreed.  I could tell she was already very sorry because she knew she not only disobeyed, she hurt my feelings.  

I went to church this morning on Palm Sunday and I thought about how Jesus obeyed and didn't defy what God the Father asked of Him.  Imagine how hard this would be especially knowing the outcome.   He followed the instructions of His Father and was inclined to guide those around Him as well, full knowing that his journey was not going to be easy.  He was humble and submitted himself to the cross, graciously.  We must always heed his lessons of obedience, patience, and suffering so that we too can share in the Glory of God, His Resurrection.  

I look back on my childhood and in my memories of disobeying my parents.  I know I made their life on earth a living hell, oh how easy it would have been for them had I obeyed them.  I was difficult, I can honestly say, the middle child, always seeking approval and validation.  Undoubtedly, I did not always obey, but they continued to love and guide me then and now.   Accordingly, through their guidance for me as a child, I am able to guide my own children and my grandchild towards God. Undoubtedly, either roads, the one on the journey or the one pushing them towards the journey, is never easy.  We misstep along the way, falling off the road and getting the map out to get back on the right path.  

Peter, Jesus' disciple, denied him three times and though Peter vehemently replied, "Even though I should have to die with you, I will not deny you." Mark 14:31. How many times have we denied Jesus?  How many times have we offended Him?  How many times do we deny Him knowingly? How many times are we sorry?  How many times will we do it again and again?

Today my grandchild got her stuffed animal returned to its' rightful place.  We talked about how we hurt those when we don't follow the rules. She asked me if my heart had stopped crying.  I assured her that just looking at her smile, my heart was very happy.  She is happy, she has her stuffed animal. 

Life continues in the life lessons of obedience as we walk on the journey with our relationship with God, sometimes taking detours and then finding our path again. God is always there guiding us, loving us, listening to us, knowing us as his children.

"Watch and pray that you may not undergo the test.  The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak." Mark 14: 36  

Saturday, March 21, 2015

The Transformation


St. Patrick's


Seasons of the year (winter, spring, summer and fall)  seasons of the Catholic Liturgical calendar, Holidays and Birthdays are many reasons for my family to come together to celebrate and decorate our dining room table.  All of us share in the creation of our table which, essentially inspires us to gather and share a meal. The decoration of our table has been a tradition for over 30 years.   If this table could talk, it would speak about love, forgiveness, encouragement, discipline, possibly bad manners, forgiveness again, and how beautiful the table felt being so adorned. This table would laugh a many laughs and weep many tears. But all in all, this table has transformed us as a family.

Over the course of many a meals, I have seen the transformation of each of my children, my husband and myself.  I used to assist in feeding my children, to cutting their meat and watching them feed themselves, to reminding them of their manners as teens, to observing my adult child feed her own child. There have been arguments and mutual agreements among all family members, and as I reflect on the transformation over the years, I have been blessed to have such a family. I embrace this table more than ever now, as my children are all almost grown, and embracing their guests that they bring to our table and watch as they introduce them to our tradition.  

The metamorphosis of our physical, mental and spiritual growth is something that God seeks for us all, as we grow from children to adults . He wants us to alter our way of thinking from 'me' to 'us' to HIM'. It is in thinking and responding to Him that we can again think about 'us' and 'me' in a new transformed way.  

When Jesus gave his life for us he thought only about us.  He loved us enough to give His life for us.  
If we are so inclined to see the beauty of Jesus' life, we will see the beauty in each other and live to want what Jesus wants for us, which is to be transformed to love one another in its' entirety and perfection of God's will.  And as we grow and are transformed spiritually, this is most pleasing to God. 

Romans 12: 1-2
SACRIFICE OF BODY AND MIND "I urge you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, your spiritual worship.  Do not conform yourselves to this age but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and pleasing and perfect. " 

We have reason to celebrate as the month of April is almost here, as will be Easter day.  It will be a day for transformation and perfection. 

He will call us by our name

My grand-daughter insisted that I buy her a bath tub toy, in particular, a toy duck, a yellow toy duck for that matter.  I really couldn't understand why she wanted ducks to play with in the tub because she is nearing 5 years old in one month.  Her request was very simple, one yellow duck to match her other yellow duck.  So, I went to three stores and upon my surprise, I could not find a 'plain' yellow duck.  I tried to influence her that having a duck with a red scarf, or a duck with a purple hat: since purple was her favorite color, would be just as awesome.  She didn't agree.  She wanted a plain yellow duck.

My search continued throughout the day for a plain yellow duck, and it consumed my entire day, dragging her along from store to store.  We went to a little town outside our town and there was a store specifically for bathtub ducks.  The store was incredible, basket to basket there were so many ducks of all sizes and shapes and colors and of course, many different prices.  We were overwhelmed with the thought of so many ducks.

My grand-daughter stood in amazement looking around and planning her excursion throughout the store.  What was once a search for only a 'yellow duck' now became a search for 'yellow duck babies'. Now don't get me wrong, I love my grand-daughter, I have spent my entire day looking for ducks, but now I just wanted to scream and put her in the car and leave.  If I knew now what I knew at that moment, that with a little more convincing earlier, she might have settled for a different duck. Unfortunately, she is most persistence, and needless to say, we forged on until we came upon this shop.

The shop consisted of bath soaps and sponges, but mostly ducks.  She maneuvered from basket to basket planning her shopping spree.  I watched her intently, as she made comments about each duck and their outward appearance.  We came home with 18 ducks, all very different in sizes, shapes and colors.  I gave in and gave her anything she wanted to end her day with contentment, happiness and with enough ducks in her possession, hopefully she would never ask for another duck.

Once we arrived home, she immediately wanted to take a bath, and in my mind, this idea was great because I knew I had plenty of things waiting for me to do that I ignored all day.  I knew a bath for her meant time well spent for me.

At the close of her hour long bath, I had to persuade her to get out of the tub,  but not until she told me the names off all of her ducks.  She went from duck to duck explaining to me their names and why she named them each a different name.  It went like this; "this is yellow duck, white beard, monkey face, blue horn, rock star, hopped, four leg," and on and on.  She didn't skip a beat and when I asked her to repeat them she was able to once again give me the same names that she did previously.  I was amazed. She also said she loved them and she was going to take care of them. I tried to name the ducks however, I messed up a couple of times and she said that we have to call them by their right names because their names are special, like hers.

In Isaiah 43:1 "But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine."

These ducks are hers and she will take care of them and call them by name, as we are HIS, and HE will take care of us and call us by our name!

Ducks, who would have thought.......