Saturday, June 5, 2010

Splish Splash no school at last!

In this neck of the woods, school officially ended two days ago. Parties galore, movies, picnics and games all ensued this last day. Parents were invited to join in on the fun. How could one pass up the invitation of hundreds of screaming, excited, sugar induced children and mass chaos? Why not join in on the fun? This would be ample opportunity to let go and just have fun with these little people in their uninhibited way. I accepted the invitation.

The end of year school activities began at 8:45 sharp. All the students lined up and walked a short distance to the park from the school. There were rain clouds above and the weather man insured us that there would be rain, not the sprinkle, get your hair misted kind of rain, but a torrential down pour by noon. The party was to end at 12:30, we had time. I arrived at my child's school at 10:00. I figured two and a half hours would be plenty of time to bond with my child and all the children at the park. I knew there would be many mothers and plenty teachers to share in the fun. The children were all playing in organized groups led by various volunteers at the teachers stood on the sideline trying to maintain whatever sanity they had left. I saw a spot on the sideline by my child's teacher and decided it would be an ample opportunity to share with her my appreciation of her efforts and kindness in educating my daughter. It was a good visit.

I didn't dress for the day's events in rugged t-shirts and shorts so my true intention as truth be told was to just be a presence for my daughter. Once I arrived on the field with the children it was very visible that the children were throwing water balloons and colored slushies. I steered cleared, found my spot and stayed put very close to the teachers where the children didn't dare go. I had decided previously that I would take my daughter out to lunch and to a movie after I checked her out at 1pm so, with that in mind, I put on my semi good shorts and adorned my outfit with jewelry to match. I wore my two beautiful bracelets that my children and husband had afforded me several years back and currently add to it as it is a charm bracelet. I value it as one of my most favored gifts. They select charms on Mother's Day, Valentines, Christmas and my birthday to the bracelet. Each of the children gets together and decides the charm that they will add on that specific and special day.

My anniversary just arrived and past and my husband and children bought me the most beautiful charms to add to my bracelet. I felt so special and I wore both bracelets with pride this day.

The weather man had declared rain at noon and at 11:30 it started pouring. The children started moving back to the school shortly after the first sprinkle arrived and made it back to their classroom before the buckets of rain hit the ground. I stayed behind to help clean up the park. I looked down to pick up the trash and noticed one of my bracelets missing. My heart flew into full force panic. I ran to the spot on the field where I had been standing and searched frantically, but to my demise there was no bracelet. The rain was getting harder and my small child size umbrella was not giving me much cover and the ground was saturated and filled with puddles. I opted to close the umbrella and take the end of it to search for the bracelet by poking it into the ground through the puddles all the while getting soaked. Several teachers encouraged me to come inside and wait, but I insisted that I had to find it now. Yep, you got it; they thought I had lost my marbles. They thought I was crazy. One woman said "can't you buy another one?" That comment put me into full force crying mode. I left and went back to the school and got my daughter.

Once I had gathered her and her belongings we headed back to the park and searched in the rain together. She told me she was sorry I was so sad and maybe we should pray about it together. I held her hand and we stood in the rain and ask God to forgive us for thinking that this material item was so important. We told Him it wasn't the item that we cared so much about as the loving memories that it brought to my attention when worn. We asked Him if he could guide us to the bracelet. My daughter was very comforting and wise that day. She immediately brought my attention off the bracelet and onto God. I had not yet prayed. I had not asked for forgiveness yet. I had not even prayed that morning; I was busy getting my children off to their last day of school I put God on the sideline.

God guided us to the bracelet. It was not on the filed at the park, it was not in the car, but in our home on the floor as it fell off when I had reached down to put on my shoes. We celebrated and danced that day and sang praises to God for answering our prayers. Thank you God!
My little girl took my attention off my bracelet for a moment at the park and put it onto God. Her sweet little innocent voice and loving manner calmed my nerves and made me realize that the memory of that bracelet with or without it was standing right in front of me. I reached down and hugged her and told her thank you for being there for me.

Let us give thanks to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! For in our union with Christ he has blessed us by giving us every spiritual blessing in the heavenly world. Even before the world was made, God had already chosen us to be his through our union with Christ, so that we would be holy and without fault before him.

LK 7:7 Ask, and you will receive...................

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