These are my three beautiful children, from left to right, Hannah, Wendy Anne, and Millie. They all have nicknames too, along with personalities. For those of you that are not dog lovers, you need to go get a dog and your mindset will change immediately from disinterested to an absolute affection towards the dog population. For those of you that are cat lovers, well, I loved cats once upon a time and have had many (my affection still exists for them) however, I now own three dogs not three cats and well, you get the idea......
Hannah is a mom ma's girl. She goes everywhere I go and is the most affection of all of them. She is also the most passive of all three dogs. She is very intuitive and because of this intuitiveness she is also very emotional. I know you are thinking, enough of this blog, time to move on, but if you will lend me your ear, I think I am on to something a little bit deeper. She is the middle child of the three always trying to find her spot in life.
Wendy Anne is the first animal of the three. She is always right, cares for the younger ones, even though she is the smallest of the three and makes sure everything is fair. She is focused and dominate of all three dogs. She is the fastest, jumps the highest and kills the most rodents. We are proud of Wendy Anne.
Millie, the last to be added to the pack is the most spoiled. She is ill behaved, gets away with murder, jumps and is always trying to get the affection of anyone in sight. Everyone makes excuses for her behavior and has been recently labeled the "demon dog" but only for her mischievous actions, otherwise she is a kind dog.
Hannah is determined to be loved, Wendy Anne is determined to be the mom, and Millie is.....well, we are not quite sure about Millie.
Why the blog about dogs? Well, they win the award on earth for being the most loyal animals . They are our companions in life, mans best friends or maybe we should say, women's best friend. We rely on them and they on us in different ways, mostly companionship.
The other day I opened my son's bedroom window to get his room aired out, a room closed up for the winter with wet swim bags, stinky shoes and a dog that loves his bed makes for an unpleasant smell. So needless to say, I opened the window and walked to the other side of the room. Wendy Anne started barking unceasingly.
I knew that bark, the squirrel tail bark.
She is so focused on killing out the population of squirrels that even a window barrier is not going to stop her. I made it just in time. The flicker of the tail hanging from the tree just outside the window was taunting Wendy Anne. I am sure the squirrels at our house do this on purpose and I am sure they know her name by now because we yell at her enough when all the racket of barking goes on when the squirrels come to visit.
She charged at the window, broke through the screen and I caught her by her back feet. She was hanging out the window by her feet barking at the squirrel and I am most certain cussing at them in dog language. I pulled her back in, closed the window and started laughing. The room still stinks!!
Personalities of determination. Human, dogs. Dogs, human. We all have it, determination that is. We use it in different ways. Some are determined to chase squirrel tails for instance and some of us are are determined to be successful in our jobs while others well, may be determined to lay on the couch. That's okay if it is okay for you....
God created desire within us as a means of expressing ourselves. Determination is healthy and good. Sometimes we just have to ask our Heavenly Father for what we need and accept his blessings when he thinks we need them.
God appeared to Solomon..."That night the Lord appeared to him in a dream and asked him, "what would you like me to give you?" 1 Kings 3:5 (please read the text about Solomon)
Do we ask, are we to determined to get something at all costs even when the timing is not right or if it is not in the best interest of all? Wendy Anne I'm sure is just impulsive and doesn't pray, how could she, right? She's a dog!!! But we on the other hand, we read, write, do arithmetic, we're smart, we're human. Do we ask? Do we ask God for what we need, not only out of desire but out of determination to possibly make a change, a change for the good? Once we ask, do we allow God to take control of our plea and accept his response?
I don't know about you, but sometimes I ask and want an immediate response and of course, a response that pleases me. You know, don't play stupid, we all do it. We might as well be God if we think we can request something and get it right away or get it the way we want it.
Wendy Anne, well, she's a dog, she doesn't ask and her actions broke my window screen, gave me heart failure and I remain with one stinky room. The timing wasn't right. Determination and desire was there but for all the wrong reasons.
Be determined, have desire and ask and you shall receive...........
A door may be closed but a window may open!
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