The kids are back in school from a long winters break.
I started a new job, learning new things....
My religious education class that I teach to 4th graders has resumed. Even though I am challenged daily with time I have continually chosen each year to being active in teaching God's word to the young and sometimes those young at heart. I love to share the faith.
Monday was my first day back after winter break and I somewhat had the butterflies anticipating the children's arrival to class only because I was hoping they would be as excited as I was about seeing them. Sometimes it is hard to understand the depth of the children's faith or belief as it is sometimes the same with adults. It is just easy to share with them and read bible stories in hopes that they will ask questions and think and pray about things. I usually pray before class to ask for guidance in wisdom and love and ask God to use me as an instrument in serving his children. I didn't pray yesterday for this but God took over anyway. Thank you God!
Did class go as planned????? NO WAY!!!! It went better than usual. And it was much to my surprise that it went as well as it did. I figured first day back they would be all anxious and out of seats, roaming around, talking, not paying attention.... you know it is sometimes the same as when you are going to let them out for a break. It is just restlessness.....
I transition the classroom about every 15 minutes to keep their attention. After all, class begins at 5:30 and they have already had a full day of learning at school. They are tired, as am I.
Today, they got the big picture. I got the big picture too. We all got it together.
They asked questions, and more questions and the more they asked questions the more each of us learned more about one another and our God. We learned many things this evening. Their questions went like this, "BUT WHY?" No one really had all the answers but it allowed us to just talk and share.
I learned; to relinquish control into the hands of my Father. I have this tendency to try to control the events in the classroom and not allowing enough time to just "be". I programed my class according to my will instead of His.
They learned; to ask questions, many questions and they learned if they share someone else might share as well. All this sharing lead to many discussions about being the best Christian we can be and the qualities of a good Christian.
2 Peter 1, 10-11
So then, my friends, try even harder to make God's call and his choice of you a permanent experience; if you do so, you will never abandon your faith. In this way you will be given the full right to enter the eternal Kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
But why???
Because God says so!!!
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