It is what it is.... a habit and one in which I just can not break. I have tried, literally tried and everyday I think about not eating it but I just give in to it. I am talking about the ice cream. It is a love hate relationship. My family doesn't help either because they know about my love hate relationship and they tempt me when they go to the grocery store. They will call and say, "do you want us to get you some ice cream while we're here?" or "mom, would you dish me out some ice cream..?" That is the worst comment yet because there is no way on this green earth that I can resist the idea of not having a scoop of ice cream myself.
Oh my favorites are chocolate, vanilla, cookies and cream, chocolate chip, neapolitan, and most all toppings; chocolate, sprinkles, marshmallows, strawberries, cookies.......
My schedule has been somewhat off since the holidays. I have no schedule and tend to wander in the kitchen all day.
Today for instance, I had a piece of fudge (the last piece that I hid from my family), a slice of lemon cake, a brownie, and then I went to a friends for some yummy food and friendship and I then ate a piece of cheesecake. I came home opened the frig and notice my Blue Bell ice cream sitting on the shelf all by itself. I felt sorry for it so I thought it needed some company. I took it out and looked at it.
I didn't eat it but, I did take a picture of it instead. (see above) I really wanted to just taste it but I knew it would lead to a heaping bowl. I feel like I could just pop. My stomach feels like an inflated balloon. If I keep eating at this rate I will look like one too. Haven't done much swimming these last three days. My exercise has been consistent with wandering in the kitchen (utilizing my thigh muscles), using my fork (working my biceps) and back and forth.... you get the idea.
Enough is enough.
We self destruct or at least I do in one way or another. I would like to think I was the only one that does this but, I know a few that do the same thing, maybe they just don't self destruct with ice cream but, there is another vice that is lurking with most everyone.
Sometimes I think I swim each day just so I can have my ice cream at night, you know, the reward for working out really hard.
Today is the first day I haven't had ice cream. I am thinking about it though. I took a picture of it too but, I put it back. I resisted the temptation.
Temptation....willpower..... those two words just don't go together.
Evil.....good.....Devil....God..... These words just don't go together either, like me and ice cream. God gives us free will to these choices. That's right. The choice is ours. To do with the temptation with however we choose. What a gift right???? It was a big gift. Thank you God! Just kidding, not really.
Why do we have temptation? Why not just have everything good? Why not have ice cream that you can eat everyday with no calories but, it tastes as good as the ice cream that is loaded with fat??? Answer: we would not appreciate it because we would not know the difference.
Evil....Good..... We have a choice. Devil..... God...... We have a choice.
God wants us to know him and to know him we have to know what the difference is not. He wants us to choose a path to holiness. Us holy??? Why not??? We have a choice to follow the path away from self destruction, like ice cream.
Now ice cream is not that bad but it can be if I consume it every day. It can creep up on you like most any sin. People who steal cars didn't start off stealing nice big cars. They probably started stealing small pieces of candy. It then ballooned out of control.
I put the ice cream back in the frig for the sake of my button on my pants and for not wanting to look like a balloon tomorrow. I know the difference. I have to make that choice. It is not easy. Never is. The path in making the right choice is hard but, the destination can be one of holiness.
For now, my love hate relationship with ice cream remains. I won today, I think. Depends on how you look at it....evil or good.
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