I'm getting old. That is just fact. We are all aging. Everyday, tick, tock. I try to remember certain times in my life, but things are just slipping from my memory. I guess the older you get the more there is to remember.
I was at the dinner table tonight and my son describe a time when we were with my parents and we were all laughing at a comment. He was describing the situation and stated he will never forget that moment in time because it was so funny. I could not for the life of me remember what he was talking about. My son, he's young still. He may forget it later too. Things like that bug me because I should remember, right???
I was reading a book today about teaching an old dog new tricks. Why would an old dog want to learn new tricks. Old dogs are probably tired just like old humans. I have three dogs. They are not old, but they really never learned tricks. They are not well behaved, but they are well loved.
I started a new job this week. I'm an old dog. Didn't really want to learn new tricks and sometimes I'm not sure if I have the energy to do new tricks. You know, it is all about the age thing.
Change is good. Letting go of fear is good too. Age is good as well. Small sentences, but each statement holds a huge impact on us and those around us.
Change, hummm, lets see where this takes us. It seems in my life I have not had an issue with change, we seem to move frequently, our lives are in constant motion and nothing ever seems the same. Every time we move or take on a new activity or new job we meet new people. These people or friends without fail, become close endearing friends. These friendships help us grow as individuals and I believe it takes a village to raise a child. We have had many villages raise our children. Thank you!
Fear.....Sometimes we just have to let go and not worry about all that change. Easier said than done. I worry about many things, but mostly about why I can't let go of the worry. I try to cling onto the worry like I should own it, like it is some kind of material possession. The simple practice of acknowledging the fear and handing it over to God would put many items on my fear list back into perspective.
Hummmm, then there is age..... Our minds start slipping, our bodies start sagging, we ache and we complain. However, receiving the blessing of old age gracefully is yet, but a blessing. It is hard to do this (you know, put things into perspective) because we remember the idea of youth, maybe not everything about our youth, but God has given us a long life for things to be to numerous to remember. What a blessing!!! What a life!!!
Wouldn't it be so easy to yet be so simple to give it all to God and trust Him totally?
In all these above so called "adverse reactions to age" there can be growth opportunities with God? How can something so simple be so complicated? Well, because we are human. God's ideas are not so simple that we humans can grasp them so easily. We have to fall several times and pick ourselves back up before we finally get the idea.
Back to my new job..... I would be stupid to say that since I am older and have experience in work related jobs and education that this new job should just come easy to me. No way, I'm old and I have new tricks to learn. I have to do a faith walk with and live in total dependence of God to get me through this and much more that I am sure to encounter. I do not expect this to be easy, but I think I am going to stop beating myself up and I am going to slow down and let Him set the pace for me and enjoy the journey as I learn.
I am going to take out the book of new tricks for my dogs. Maybe they will learn something along the way too.
Ruff, Ruff.....
HEY Sue!!!! We had dinner at mom's tongiht and she showed me your yearly family newsletter and family picture. I can't beleive how big everyone is!
I have spent the last hour reading your blog from start to finish. I have laughed, I have cried and I've been challenged by your thoughts and motivated by your love of God. You are such a brave, inspiring and honest christian women!
We all love and miss each and every one of you sooo much.
Please know you are all in our Prayers!
Love, Brooke Cowart
Sue, my dear friend,
I am inspired by your insights into life - your spiritual understanding and metaphors you so vividly visualize for us.
I know that God allows some things to make us stronger so that we can help others in turn, with empathy, not just sympathy. My heart and prayers are with you all.
Keep journaling! We'll keep reading!
Keep in touch! So good to talk Saturday.
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