These doors open opportunities for each of us. Family, devotion, friendship, income, everywhere we go there is a door. How we embrace what we encounter once that door is opened can determine many things, fear, sadness, joy, peace, and many other emotions.
This door found on a recent journey reminded me that my door needed to be renewed. The renewal is not just the outer part but what lies within once opened.
We move from one task to another sometimes not recognizing the task at hand; ourselves. We figure as long as everything and everybody else are okay, so to speak, we are doing okay. What do we do if there is a crisis? I would like to think we are all on the same journey, trying to understand and or accept what God has put before us. To love and to identify with others, hold a common earthly and heavenly reality that we are all one, one on this earth to love and to serve each other and to attain eternal life.
How we embrace our families each day, our co-workers, friends and our God by opening the door with acceptance is and will be our reality on how we live out our life. Acceptance in love, humility, and charity to those around us near and far will be how we take care of ourselves. I know that I need to take care of me so I may lovingly take care of those inside the doors.
I will continue to take pictures of doors and each time think about what each journey I will be on once that door is opened.
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