He gave us wings..... This weekend my son was finishing a science project and he had to collect 35 items, one of which was a butterfly. I had no problem collecting the spider or pine cone, but when we got the to butterfly I just couldn't take that butterfly net and swish it into the air to bring it to its' death. I have hundreds of butterflies in my front yard and to capture one wouldn't seem to significant in the decrease of the butterfly population, but that was entirely the opposite of my thinking. I thought how and why could anyone want to kill one of God's loveliest creatures even if it was for the sake of science? I was mesmerized watching these glittering butterflies land to and fro from the home in which they had acquired in my Lantanas.
On a good note, my son and I found a dead butterfly on the ground at the bottom of the flowers so one more butterfly was spared that day by us.
My dad used to say something to fact that "I gave you wings, now use them". In other words, think for yourself and explore or grow up..... I always thought that was a good saying because it gave me a feeling that he trusted me and wanted me to think for myself so I wouldn't be so dependent on him. Some days as an adult I wish I could still be under his wings, to go back to that special place.
It is just the opposite thought with our Heavenly Father. Living in dependence on Him is the way to enjoy abundant life. He is our strength and he takes pleasure in letting us lean on Him. It gives us a closeness with him in our reliance upon Him and when we make him a constant and primary focus throughout our day we can we can do most anything. We have a tendency to turn our focus away from Him when we are with other people, but by simply whispering His name we will bring Him back into the forefront of our consciousness.
When we rely on Him totally our whole perspective changes and we see constant miracles all around us. When we lift our eyes to see Him and feel Him we become one in Him and He in us. We would not want us to be independent of Him.
Maybe our earthly father new that we needed to take those wings and fly towards our heavenly Father. Two wise men guiding and guarding me through life. How blessed am I?
Take those wings and fly............soar into His presence, for in this journey of flight you will truly find your path of life.
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