The other morning (when I mean morning, I mean 5:00a.m.) I was in the car with my dog and son and I turned my windshield wipers on because of the the light drizzle and my dog started chasing them back and forth. Yes, I almost wrecked but that one moment gave me joy all day.
These little moments of laughter sustain me. These moments sustain me when my dogs eat my shoes or destroy objects of mine in so much that I become inflamed, irate, cross and or agitated. They sustain me when my children argue or become disrespectful or when there is some form of disagreement in the home.
There will always be a little bit of bad with the good. It is never perfect. That is how we grow, change, develop, and in a way, become better people.
These little furry creatures or big if you will, are life lessons for me and my children. They are gifts, blessings and sometimes a big pain in the backside, if you know what I mean. We wake up and learn to love and forgive all over again. Our dogs love us unconditionally many times over. It's amazing how much they love us. They forgive and forget. I believe this world would be so much better off if we lived the lives of dogs. Sound crazy? But, maybe these furry gifts are life lessons for us to take us on our journey each day. I know that in the evening after a long day I just want to sit and pet my dog because I know he will welcome the rub on the neck and love me back with no questions asked.
In the transformation of forgiving we learn to love again. We are transformed with strength, sacrifice and humility and our souls are spiritually renewed.
Dogs or not, children, friends, family..... laughter sustains, forgiviness transforms.
Have a good laugh today and enjoy.
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