My daughter sometimes will call me at work and say "Are you parched mom?" I just love it when she calls and asks me that question. That question is not only a question of whether or not I am thirsty and would I like her to bring me a drink from my favorite soft drink diner but that question also asks me if I would like to see her or am I missing her or do you need a break from work or most importantly, I'm thinking about you and love you.
I do not know where we came up with this little saying or way of communicating but I love that about my daughter in her creative ways of loving me.
When I think of the word parched I immediately think about the hot sandy dessert, sun burnt skin, cracked lips and undeniable thirst for water. Yet there are times when on a hot summer day the word parched really does mean parched in the true definition of the term.
Parched means to thirst and I believe when we are parched we go looking for something to fulfill that need. Jesus wants us to thirst for him. He wants us to search for the truth in him as if we are parched and thirsty. Jesus says "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6
In searching for the truth, no matter how many detours we may take in our lifetime, we will ultimately find the truth in God. Our life is full of detours, twists and turns but the path that leads us to eternal life is straight to God. He is the way, He is the truth, He is the life.
Are you parched today???????????????
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