The line is straight, black and bold and I love this line. Some may say this path leads no where except back and forth from one wall to the other, but I would differ. I like this line very much. It takes me in various directions even though the obvious would seem that it goes straight to the wall. So tonight we finally got some cold weather. It was 45 degrees outside and I just couldn't wait to jump in the water. I got in the hot tub first to warm my blood and then I took the plunge. It was more than
invigorating, it was like a breath of fresh air even though the cool
weather takes your breath away. Most swimmers would probably agree that it is refreshing. Last year it was quite an experience swimming outside during the winter especially when it was sleeting and snowing.
Sometimes the line can be intimidating. There are different sayings like, "don't cross that line with me ", the race begins "behind that line", park "
between the lines" or "read between the lines", while driving "don't cross over the double yellow line", "color between the lines" or just plain "sign your name on the line". Lines, Lines, Lines.......
The big, black line that I follow each day is necessary while swimming because it guides me to the end so I will know when to turn. It may sound silly but that black line is really important. It is
rhythmic like the stroke you take, the breaths you breathe and the kicks that help propel you into motion.
Each day when I swim my line takes me to my destination. I pray while I swim. I pray as I hear the water churning and the bubbles swishing to and fro and I pray and pray and pray with each stroke I take I talk to God. It is a good place to listen to God too. There are no distractions, just
God and me. Talking, laughing, crying, learning and just being there with Him. He has my undivided attention. It is our time.
A journey, path, destination, a bountiful of love is what God has to offer us if we choose to follow that line or path towards him in an intimate relationship with Him. It is all about making time, sacrificing our wants and needs for something ultimately better than what we may think is more important. We have to choose to cross that line towards God, to make that line a journey towards Him, a beautiful friendship.
Crossing the line towards God is necessary for our ultimate salvation. We receive grace, mercy and joy by
knowing Him.
We all have to cross, follow or draw the line somewhere. Why not take the plunge and cross over to Him?
My big black line..........