Can't find your way? Lost? disoriented, veered off course, sidetracked, stray, wander, jaunt, roam, stroll, meander, drift, dawdle in the wrong direction????
Here we are again with the delima of the lost dog and the 'lost dog caretaker'. Could I possibly expect anyone to believe that I just got home from work, put on my scrubs to clean the house when I was interrupted, yet once again by unfamiliar dog barks in my front yard. Go figure, another lost dog. Maybe God is trying to tell me to take a break, don't clean the house, and play with the dogs, ruff, ruff!!
All the owners that I have met, with the exception of one, really felt that it was an accident that the dogs got out of their confines. The dogs either dug their way through the fence line or the meter readers didn't shut the gates all the way. It has happened to me and my gate. Yep, left wide open by the meter reader. I just wanted to scream and say, 'you have a responsibility to the owners property and make sure their gate is shut!' Even though my heart wants to believe that they care, I'm convinced they don't. They either don't like dogs or they are so hurried that they are not careful. Either way, it is tearin' families up by losing their dogs.
This big ole' man came and picked up his dog today. He lost his two small puppies as well, but shortly informed me that he found them. They dug their way out from under the fence. It happens! We have to prepare for the uncertainty by providing dog tags, phone numbers and the like, maybe with dogs anyway in the way of preparing.
Preparing for the uncertainty...
How do we know how to prepare?
I think sometimes we prepare these mental checklists of things that we must do now, things we'll do later and well, those other things that we'll get to when all the other stuff is done. We worry constantly or at least think about those items on our list until we suffer miserably about our frustrations of not marking off any of those items on the list. Exhausting, huh?
There are too many things that will continually throw each of us off course, so sometimes all that preparing is unnecessary. Now don't get me wrong and think I don't prepare, I'm the worst. I've prepare for floods, hurricanes, tornado's, earthquakes and volcano's and we don't even have volcano's nearby. I like to prepare or to think I have things in order. There are many events or people that will continually grab our attention away from what we are doing, in so much, that we end up doing something entirely different. Confusing, very confusing especially when you just think you are getting your head above the water or above the list. How does this happen?
I think God knows how this happens. I think God has his hand in this lost dog situation. I have been so bogged down lately that I have had no time to smile. God knows dogs make me smile. He knew I did not want to clean. My gosh, look at me now. I have not only played with a strange dog, found the owner and now I have been reading my bible and I am now currently blogging and talking to God. He most certainly knows what He is doing and I have had two dog lessons lately to be more aware of His Presence.
He is in the present. At the time I found the dog I wasn't thinking about Him at that particular moment. I was thinking about putting my hands in tubs and toilets just to clean them and how awful it was going to be to do this on such a nice afternoon. I wasn't thinking about how nice it was to have a tub and a toilet instead of a hole in the dirt or going dirty weeks upon end. I was being unappreciative about my role as housekeeper, mother, wife and the like. I was thinking about it as more of a chore than a blessing and failing sometimes in both categories. He brought me back to the present which is Him.
He is my strength and I can embrace responsibility, lists and all the tasks in the world with Him at my side. He gives me joy as I work alongside Him. He gave me a reminder today through the lost dog situation once again. If I don't start listening, he may give me a lost dog everyday until I finally get it in my thick skull that He must be my primary focus!
I sat in the front yard basking in the sun with God's blessing of the little lost dog while waiting for the owner to show up at my door. Without the lost dog, I would not have sat in the sun, laughed at the dog, myself and my stupid lists that I create.
God's precious gift to us is His Love and through His Love we are to Trust! He has prepared the way for us. There is nothing more to prepare. He has already done this for us, we just have to do it His way and only His way. We must accept this gift and be eager to know and love Him.
2 Corinthians 9:8 "God is able to make every grace abundant for you, so that in all things, always having all you need, you may have an abundance for every good work."
I'm going to scrub toilets and smile now....bye....
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