Here's the thing..... ooops, that probably isn't grammatically correct by starting the sentence with "here's the thing", but here's the thing......
Just when I think I am going to have a day off and relax something usually gravitates toward me that changes my course for the day.
So I had the day off and I decided I was going to clean my house in my pajamas once everyone was off to school and work. Haha.... I had one home sick and another one, well, she didn't have anywhere to go so I got the pleasure to have her company as well, for the day.
I just wanted to clean my house. That was my goal. It was a big goal but, I was determined. The first hour I got busy and then my doorbell rang. It was my neighbor and I ended up going up to her house to visit for about 45 minutes in my pj's of course (she didn't mind) and I really rather quite enjoyed myself until the unexpected phone call came. It was my girls. Why couldn't they just let me be for the moment...????........
They saw two stray dogs in my driveway and they thought I needed to help them. Let me back up a bit in my story..... If there is a stray dog in the neighborhood they will not be lost for long because they always and I mean always find their way to my driveway!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My girls told me to come outside and as my friend and I did, the girls were standing with one of the two dogs on a lease in my neighbors driveway waiting for me to respond. Every blasted time this happens my heart starts racing. My girls probably know this by now because that is why they interrupted me. They know I'll take care of these lost little critters. My girls were not happy with themselves because they couldn't get the other dog on the lease because it was too scared. It ran away.
I sat on the driveway and the golden dog on the lease came up to me with its' tail wagging and literally curled up on my lap and started licking me. I've never seen this dog before. I must of reminded it of its' owner. I pet it and rubbed its' belly and let it lick me. The whole time I was praying it didn't have worms or some disgusting parasite or better yet, I was hoping it wouldn't take a hunk out of my face and start biting me. Somehow this dog knew I was going to take care of it. They all know. I don't know how this happens because sometimes I just don't want the job of the lost dog caretaker.
I have a statue of St. Francis in my front yard and I think all the animals know who St. Francis is so maybe that's why they come to my house. Maybe I'll take the statue down. Maybe not....
My girls were over anxious about the other dog that was still wandering around so we hunted it down after walking miles upon end and I finally came across it on a front porch curled up in a ball shaking. It was scared and lonely for its' people. It wanted to go home. Of course, it was on the wrong porch so we were stumped. Here we had two dogs and I had no place to take them. We took their pictures and posted them on 20 stop signs around the neighborhood with my phone number in hopes that their owner would call. I then proceeded to take them to the Humane Society to see if they would hold them until the owner claimed the prize. They would hold them for 96 hours then they faced the possibility of being euthanized. All in all, this took over four hours to secure the dogs, post the pictures and to go to the Humane Society. So much for cleaning.
I waited and waited and waited for that phone call. I got nothing done all day long. Nothing!!!!! Why me? Why did I come outside to see those furry little animals? Why, Why Why????
Finally the call came. A crying woman was on the phone wanting her dogs. She came to my house and I gave her instructions as to their whereabouts and she could not thank me enough. I was just glad she came because in 96 hours I faced the possibility of having two more dogs at my house because there was no way I was going to be responsible for letting those two precious dogs die. What a guilt trip that would be to have on my conscience. Wait a minute, why was I going to feel guilty? I did everything possible to help them. Yep, guilt. I would have had it or I would of had two new dogs added to my family until I could find someone to keep them. I really didn't want to think about that possibility.
Gravitation.... the force of attraction, a movement or tendency toward something or someone.
I think my personality always gravitates towards trying to fix things. I don't know if it is the nature of motherhood that comes out in me in these situations, you know the "mother bear" syndrome but, I can't just walk away until the situation is under control. I respond like a mother bear trying to protect her young. There are some people who might see the dogs, for instance and not think twice about it. There are times I wish I could do that but, when I see the faces of the owners finding their loved ones my heart is jumpin' with joy and it is a constant reminder the next time I see a lost dog. My girls say I did a good deed today. I remind them that they are the ones that did a good deed because they called my attention to the dogs. I think I have taught them a good thing or two.
The Golden Rule: Matthew 7:12 "Do to others whatever you would have them do to you. This is the law and the prophets.
I am not a Biblical scholar but, I do know this; I would hope that someone would help save my dogs if they got out of their fence as these two dogs did this day. I would be so sad if I lost my dogs. They are my family and I love them very much. It would have been much easier that day to let those dogs wander, possibly get hit by a car or better yet, starve. I could have gotten my house cleaned too! But I chose, hesitantly to change my course of plans for the day and let those dogs in my life. It wasn't easy and I am not patting myself on the back or giving myself kudos in public. What I am doing is admitting that I really wanted those dogs to go away. I didn't want to help. I wanted to shut the door so the situation would go away. By opening the door I helped my neighbor find her dogs and I think God knew I did not need two more dogs so he helped me do this deed. He held my hand while the work was being done, so to speak. I let him use me as his instrument. Sometimes that is not easy and I know this day I was angry because I didn't want to be used for that purpose. Letting go, letting God. Accepting............what is..............
The Golden Rule: Matthew 7:12 "Do to others whatever you would have them do to you. This is the law and the prophets.
I am not a Biblical scholar but, I do know this; I would hope that someone would help save my dogs if they got out of their fence as these two dogs did this day. I would be so sad if I lost my dogs. They are my family and I love them very much. It would have been much easier that day to let those dogs wander, possibly get hit by a car or better yet, starve. I could have gotten my house cleaned too! But I chose, hesitantly to change my course of plans for the day and let those dogs in my life. It wasn't easy and I am not patting myself on the back or giving myself kudos in public. What I am doing is admitting that I really wanted those dogs to go away. I didn't want to help. I wanted to shut the door so the situation would go away. By opening the door I helped my neighbor find her dogs and I think God knew I did not need two more dogs so he helped me do this deed. He held my hand while the work was being done, so to speak. I let him use me as his instrument. Sometimes that is not easy and I know this day I was angry because I didn't want to be used for that purpose. Letting go, letting God. Accepting............what is..............
If you haven't read the Beatitudes lately, please read them. They are beautiful! Go slowly, meditate upon each one. It is a good way to renew our relationship with God. You'll find them in Matthew 5: 1-12.
As for me, I'm back to cleaning, have a good day............
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