No offense, but when I see other people with other phones other than the iPhone, I think to myself, they just don't get it. I mean who would want any other phone than the iPhone. I had to save big time to get this phone, but I believe it was every penny well spent. I've had tons of phones, particularly in the week before I was choosing the iPhone. AT&T didn't like me very well the first week before I got this phone because I tried out all other phones before I chose this one. I would buy one and return it the next day only to buy and return another one until finally I chose this baby. It is my baby too. I shine it in the morning, update it's information, give it's brains brain food by uploading information and it knows how much I love it cause I am its' companion all day.
This little black, shiny, sleek piece of metal and glass and who knows whatever else was a great temptation for the weak, which in case you didn't guess, was me.
My phone broke three days ago. Lots of my information was not saved properly, my fault for letting my children back it up improperly and I lost everything, I mean everything!!!!!
I was furious! I was angry! I was unforgiving! I just plain could not understand how this happened to me. I thought I was finally getting out from the black clouds only to discover darker ones.
My appointment with the apple store got me a new phone, thank goodness for extended warranties. Now the work begins.... adding all my information, addresses, phone numbers, emails, notes, and the like. Lots of finger exercise ahead of me. Its' going to be a long weekend. Forget the kids and the husband, I have to get my baby up and running.
Do I sound pathetic or what? Who calls their iPhone "baby"? (probably everyone that owns an iPhone). I think what really sounds pathetic is that I think I can not live without this little piece of technology. What in the world did I do before I got this expensive toy?
So, I have gathered all my information ready to load it up on my first free weekend of the month, which happens to start tomorrow morning. What a way to spend it, huh?
I've been thinking about how upset I got over my broken phone right now and the situation that I got myself into today. Maybe or probably or yes, I have been idolizing this phone way too much. I'm not so sure God would be to happy about my behavior in regards to my idolizing. Say it however you like, but I have been idolizing this phone ever since I bought it. Its' the truth. I've been a rule breaker big time. I think God needed to set me straight about this idolizing stuff. It was a big lesson in my book.
The first Commandment states: "I am the Lord your God: you shall not have strange gods before me. " Exodus 20
I believe only God is worthy of our worship. I don't believe I worship my iPhone, but I was coming pretty close. To worship someone or something means that we are putting them right smack dab in the center of our lives. I think if that someone/thing weakens our friendship with God then we've allowed ourselves to have idols. I forgot about God when I yelled at my children for messing things up. It aches my heart to think I am guilty or coming close to being guilty of rule breakin'.
We have to realized that nothing, people or things, can ever take the place of God.
Lesson in life and Rule Number One: No Idols!!!!!!!
Lesson in life and Rule Number Two: Back up your own iPhone!!!!!!
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