I pulled out a stack of magazines the other day dating from as far back as January. Never read them, forgot they existed. Ever have those months? These last three months have past quickly for me. Where did the time go?
I opted to read my spring magazines first. There were a few, a few too many magazines. I'm starting to get that spring fever. It was a bit overwhelming selecting which magazine I was going to read and I felt a sense of guilt for letting some 'good reads' go to waste over such a long period of time.
I need to be inspired. Fresh ideas, change of pace, new colors and a scenery of flowers.
Nesting...refers to an instinct or urge to prepare a home usually for a newborn. I'm not pregnant, but still have the urge to nest! Maybe a strong urge to clean and organize my house.
Home...place of residence or refuge. A dwelling. My idea of a home is a place where you feel safe. For instance: peace, happiness, being content and loved by those around you. Technically, it is a dwelling, plain and simple. A structure.
Change: to transform, convert, different from the ordinary, altered, modified.
In my 'nesting' routine at springtime I usually get this burst of energy to 'change' things up or to create a new space/or look for our 'home'. I do not necessarily buy things as much as I just move furniture around, kids change bedrooms, new recipes, new outdoor plantings and a thorough cleaning of house and car.
I am thrilled and anxiously awaiting the first free weekend.
Back to my magazines...I often wonder why my home never looks like those homes in the pictures or why I can not figure out a way to re-create the space as imagined. I am just thankful for magazines. They stimulate my immagination in this area of cleansing and renewal.
However, in my spring madness of nesting, a sense of peace and fulfillment tends to creep its' way into my heart as I renew the face of my home for my family. It is a jump start for me to give to my family and it is an odd way in which I show love and forgiveness towards my family as we draw closer to the Easter season.
The other day, as I was looking at magazines I got a random phone message from my daughter. She asked for forgiveness for some past choices. Her message was a message of hope of new beginnings and a fresh start for her and our family as she lets go and moves forward. What a lovely reminder during the season of Lent where moving towards the future instead of clinging to the past as we begin a new season is a message of love and forgiveness.
In our obedience to God and in honor towards God we must make the choice to forgive. WE will no longer have to carry the weight of the sin. If we don't forgive neither will be forgiven. God takes away the weight of the world so we may have happiness and life.
Spring, inspiration, forgiveness, life..........and magazines.
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