Saturday, March 27, 2010
Murky Water

Friday, March 26, 2010

I pulled out a stack of magazines the other day dating from as far back as January. Never read them, forgot they existed. Ever have those months? These last three months have past quickly for me. Where did the time go?
I opted to read my spring magazines first. There were a few, a few too many magazines. I'm starting to get that spring fever. It was a bit overwhelming selecting which magazine I was going to read and I felt a sense of guilt for letting some 'good reads' go to waste over such a long period of time.
I need to be inspired. Fresh ideas, change of pace, new colors and a scenery of flowers.
Nesting...refers to an instinct or urge to prepare a home usually for a newborn. I'm not pregnant, but still have the urge to nest! Maybe a strong urge to clean and organize my house.
Home...place of residence or refuge. A dwelling. My idea of a home is a place where you feel safe. For instance: peace, happiness, being content and loved by those around you. Technically, it is a dwelling, plain and simple. A structure.
Change: to transform, convert, different from the ordinary, altered, modified.
In my 'nesting' routine at springtime I usually get this burst of energy to 'change' things up or to create a new space/or look for our 'home'. I do not necessarily buy things as much as I just move furniture around, kids change bedrooms, new recipes, new outdoor plantings and a thorough cleaning of house and car.
I am thrilled and anxiously awaiting the first free weekend.
Back to my magazines...I often wonder why my home never looks like those homes in the pictures or why I can not figure out a way to re-create the space as imagined. I am just thankful for magazines. They stimulate my immagination in this area of cleansing and renewal.
However, in my spring madness of nesting, a sense of peace and fulfillment tends to creep its' way into my heart as I renew the face of my home for my family. It is a jump start for me to give to my family and it is an odd way in which I show love and forgiveness towards my family as we draw closer to the Easter season.
The other day, as I was looking at magazines I got a random phone message from my daughter. She asked for forgiveness for some past choices. Her message was a message of hope of new beginnings and a fresh start for her and our family as she lets go and moves forward. What a lovely reminder during the season of Lent where moving towards the future instead of clinging to the past as we begin a new season is a message of love and forgiveness.
In our obedience to God and in honor towards God we must make the choice to forgive. WE will no longer have to carry the weight of the sin. If we don't forgive neither will be forgiven. God takes away the weight of the world so we may have happiness and life.
Spring, inspiration, forgiveness, life..........and magazines.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The yellow brick road...

Well traveled highways are my favorite roads not the road less traveled. Straight, smooth roads not the curvy, hilly or scenic routes seem to be in my favor. I would love to enjoy the view from those curvy, tree laden small town roads but my head would spend most of the time in a bucket regurgitating any small town famous foods that I would have enjoyed previous to the moment. So, with that in mind I do not purposely travel the road less traveled with reason.
It's time to go home from a spring break trip. Time to climb back into the car and hit the road in the wee hours of the morning to avoid the traffic. My husband climbs into the drivers seat, I am happy about this decision because due to his snoring the night before I was only afforded 3 hours of sleep for our 11 hour journey. I just knew I would fall asleep quickly once the car got rollin. It didn't take long, maybe 10 minutes I was out only to be awaken by a small curve in the road. Curve? What curve? How could there be a curve in the road on that straight highway?
My husband pulled a quick one and he thought I wouldn't notice after all, I was asleep. Let me express to those of you who do not experience motion sickness that by experiencing a mere curve in the road makes me feel as if I have just came down with the flu, the stomach flu. I do not know what was worse, my flu like symptoms or my anger. I don't even know if it was anger as much as it was rage. We switch positions quickly and I drove the rest of the way, did I mention by the way with only three hours of sleep?
How dare he!!!! I completely was taken by surprise and so was he when I expressed my dissatisfaction with him the whole way home. I was not nice, but then again, neither was he. Now I don't want to hang my laundry out in the open, so to speak, but I was a miserable
passenger and a miserable driver due to my lack of energy. How could he? Who was he thinking of in the midst of this road map change?
So, I got to thinking that how could he possibly know what it is like to feel sick every time you get in the car. Maybe he was just thinking he would get us home quicker since it was the less traveled road and we would arrive at our destination sooner. (side note: it took us several hours longer) Maybe he wasn't being purposely manipulative to drive the way he wanted to drive, maybe he was thinking about us the whole time he change our course of direction. Maybe I was not looking at his true intention which was a well less traveled road. You know, less cars, less traffic, quicker, safer way home.
Why did I jump to conclusions? I guess one could say I really didn't jump to conclusions but my stomach spoke for me. My stomach is the one that jumped.
The road less traveled...it is easy to always follow in the path of others, not stepping out of line or doing something different. It takes courage and honor to have a belief so strong that one risks being considered different just because he follows the road less traveled.
It was hard for Peter, Jesus' apostle to admit to those who asked him if he was a follower of Jesus. He who promised Jesus that he would stand by his side actually denied Him three times before Jesus' death. Personal, individual accounts of one's own perspective may differ from the next. We must stand to listen, not judge as Peter feared of those who questioned him.
Hearing and listening.
I questioned my husband about his intent, but I didn't listen. He hears of my experiences, but doesn't listen. We were both wrong. We thought we were both right. Our journey was a long journey. I think about what could have been versus what it was that day we traveled home. How often do we mis-communicate our intents and how often do we hear and not listen?
Peter was very sad when he denied Jesus the third time. I was sad I denied my husband love on our journey home. I denied Jesus on that yellow brick road.
Hear ye Hear Ye, but listen as well!
Time well spent

What do mashed potatoes, a Kansas Jayhawk and poppies all have in common? We'll get to the answer a little later, but first, I went on vacation. I went to Kansas. Yep, that's right Dorthy, red slippers and all. The sunflower state, the midwest, yep right smack dab in the middle. That's where I went on vacation, Kansas! Went to visit family! Good Ole Kansas City! Dorothy went home!
It's quite amazing how delicious homemade mashed potatoes can be when you do not have to cook them. Same recipe, same kind of potato, just a different place. Button on the ole' pants gettin' a little tight. Can't help eatin' four helpings of potatoes while on vacation. I'd like to say my whole family enjoyed those potatoes. Home grown cookin! Cooking is always best at home. Its' the family, the personal stories, the memories shared around the table!
Went to visit the ole' Alma mater, "The University of Kansas" and my friend the 'Jayhawk"! Rock Chalk Jayhawk! It's been awhile since I've been up on that hill at KU. My children wanted to see their possible future at this campus and so we toured like any tourist and took pictures and walked around on campus and conversed amongst ourselves about family, our stories and memories past.
Poppies. They sure don't look like the Kansas Sunflowers. I went to the National World War I Museum at Liberty Memorial. There were 9000 poppies planted at the museum, each representing 1000 persons who died in this war. This calculates to that over 9 million persons who lost their lives in this global conflict. Family lost, personal stories and memories of courage and honor.
My vacation of mash potatoes, Jayhawks and Poppies. What do these odd varieties have in common? The answer is family. Plain and simple. Think about potatoes for a minute. They grow in a field, cultivated by a family on a farm and passed around from table to table from generation to generation. Many stories told at many of those tables by many a family members. Jayhawks, a Kansas tradition but a tradition held by many. If one is not a Jayhawker I'm most certain one is of something else with a belief system that binds a group of people together, usually family. Then there is the poppy. A flower that represents 9 million lives lost to war. 9 million persons lost in 9 million families. A global war that effected 36 nations, 65 million men and women who had family, belief systems and personal stories of tragedy and loss.
Family, an epic journey that we go on with people that know our past and present. We are bound by that one little word "family".
The Holy family. Joseph, Mary and Jesus. The stories told at their table. The lives effected by these stories told. The wars fought to protect this belief. A transformative time in our world's history's past and present.
My vacation down the yellow brick road............
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Time Away

Sunday, March 7, 2010
What's your passion?

Who was she really? I got a glimpse of who she was one day when I walked into her home. She was selling her house and I got the pleasure of a grand tour. The attraction of her home for me was that of her country property. However, with a new child on the way I knew the property was not going to be checked off my 'must have' homeowner list any time soon.
This 'coaches wife' was far from my original thought which was a shadow of her husband. I got an all new perspective once I entered her home. She had an amazing passion for art, particularly marbles. She accompanied her husband in his job related games and the like because she loved him and supported him and out of this love that they had for each other they made their house a home. She gave of herself because he was her passion.
When I entered her home I stepped onto rustic wooden floors that created a warmth of being home. Every nook and cranny of the home was filled with glass jars toppled over with colorful glass marbles. The art work on her walls were not the traditional pictures, but splashes of abstract paint framed and called art. This home was inspiring for the eclectic and for the emerging artist or professional one for that matter. Her home was full of life and passion and love.
I've been thinking about my passion. Maybe I've let my passion die. Maybe I've let 'me' become my children. Maybe I have become the husband's wife. I have put quite a bit of thought into this idea especially since my children are growing up and taking on a life of their own. Who am I? What would the stranger see if they walked into my house. Would they be inspired? Would they see passion? Something to consider when thinking about marbles.
Christ had a passion. His passion was to teach people love. His passion was to show us what love was through his life. He lived it, he preached it, he died for it for us. We were his passion.
I don't want to loose myself to marbles, merely because that is not my passion nor do I want to find something just to substitute for my time well spent with my children. I believe in this time of renewal during Lent maybe I am trying to hard on the "renewal" part of Lent. Maybe I haven't let my passion die. Maybe I haven't become my children or the 'husband's shadow. I do believe I have died to self to love one another. I love my children and my husband with a passion. Passion is not only Love, but it is Agony, as well. Jesus' love for us was not always fun. It was hard work and pain and eventually death. He died to himself and gave to others. I am trying to focus on renewal of myself and my passion during Lent. In a fairytale, passion may just seem way to glamorous, like the role of the football coaches' wife. I think in dying of oneself we can find that passion even though it is not glamorous. We can find God. We find our passion through the love and agony of each other.
In HIS humbling way for our sake,
may we follow his example and
share in everlasting life,
through a passion and compassion for each other.
I do have a passion, it's just not marbles and I'm definitely not going to loose any more marbles over this....
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Dog Blog
