This morning as usual I am scurrying around the house trying to get ready so I can be at work on time, all the while my family members ask; "will you put a pig tail in my hair", "where are my socks", "did you sign my folder", "what about the choir note", "hey mom, the winter celebration form is due", "I need money for the general teacher fund for a Christmas present", "mom have you seen my other shoe", "by the way wife, what do you want for dinner tonight", "are you working out after work", "are there any pancakes left over", "what time is it", and "mom is the bus here yet?" Mom, Mom, Mom.......!!!!!
I wanted to turn the volume down this morning and these questions were only from two of my four children plus husband.
Silence......tick, tick, tick.
I don't wish the questions away but sometimes I just want to turn on the music and tune everyone out and have no interruptions. just sometimes. It's ridiculous that I have to get up 3 1/2 hours before I am even to be at work. I literally have almost had a half day of work before I even start my other job. The good news is that I know I am not alone in this dilemma.
Peace, Peace, Peace.......
I know it will all come in time, peace that is, but will I be ready? Will I be ready to let go of my children as they turn into adults and start a life of their own. Will I enjoy the silence, peace and lack of interruptions when they are all gone? The non-stop demands that fill our days sometimes makes it hard to find God in all this busyness. I try to call His name when I get my 3rd, 4th and 5th request in the morning so I do no respond in anger and loose God in my morning. I try to find Him in each request. Sometimes I look up and say "Really God? You are bothering me for that?"
I have a question.
Will we be ready?
Ready for what?
Ready to be with God in all the silence? Will we know him then if we don't come to know him now in all the distractions?
Who is ever really ready? We think we can plan for all that life has to offer, like money in the bank for a rainy day, preventative health care for good health in our elder years, and on and on. But does life ever turn out as we plan? Are we prepared to accept the alternative course of our path in life? Are we willing to accept that just maybe we are not actually in control?
Just maybe we should get to know God in our distractions. He wants us to find him in the busyness of our day, in the silence of an empty nest. HE JUST WANTS US!
The more we are aware of Him, the better we can embrace him through our distractions by repeating His name over and over. My interruptions are conversations with God.
Jesus tells us "I am the bread of life," "Those who come to me will never be hungry; those who believe in me will never be thirsty. John 6: 35 "I will never turn away anyone who comes to me because I have come down from heaven to do not my own will but the will of him who sent me. John 6: 37-38
I echo His name each morning as I answer those questions by my family and as I echo His name we have conversation as he helps prepare me for my day.
He never turns me away.
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