I don't remember providing my mom and dad with a huge list....I knew they would do their best to provide what they thought we needed and I never remember being disappointed. Never!!! My memories were far from disappointment. I really don't even remember the toys, with the exception of my "tubsy doll", but I do remember the memories leading up to that special day.
The real memories lies within the family gathering on Christmas Eve, popping pop corn, staying up late, going to midnight mass and laying out cookies and milk for Santa. I also remember having my grandparents staying the night on Christmas Eve. That was the most special event I remember.
Back to the lists..... I don't want to "bash" my kids or yours but enough is enough with the lists. Prior to Christmas I told my children to just go buy what they wanted and hand me the receipts. They could even wrap them if they wanted, as that would be less work for me. I mean where is the joy if you are told what to buy them and then you wrap it up for them to unwrap and then they are not even surprised??? Something is messed up here in this scenario. Yeah, I'm sure we have all done it, gave in to our kids request hoping to be that special parent. It really doesn't work because their list just keeps getting bigger and the meaning of Christmas is lost in the list.
This is the 28th of December, Christmas has passed, but I ponder on whether or not if they have pondered what it all really means, you know, Christmas and the gift.
The wisemen followed a star that lead them to the newborn king, baby Jesus. They presented him with gifts of love. There was no list involved from Jesus. Their gift was just love. Love is the biggest gift next to time. Does there need to be any other gift?
The time I spent with my family as a child are the memories that I keep not the toys that I received because those "things" are all but forgotten. The laughter or joy my parents gifted me with when I was young remains.
"They went into the house, and when they saw the child with his mother Mary, they knelt down and worshiped him. They brought out their gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and presented them to him." Mt. 2:11
I gave my children gifts of love this Christmas, even though it seemed like it was a "made to order Christmas". We did our special traditions that hopefully they will remember when they get older.
Merry Christmas to you all!!
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