I woke up this morning only to find out that all three of my bathrooms, in different parts of my home had flooded. I stayed up late last night, around 12:30, a behavior of mine that is becoming a habit only to wake by 5:30 to get ready for work. Five hours is not enough sleep for me to produce work for 8 hours. By mid afternoon I am exhausted. Trying to keep my head from hitting my desk and drool from escaping my mouth has become an exercise in itself. I may be exaggerating a bit, but I do have to create a strategy so I do not inadvertently go to sleep.
As much as I hate being tired in the day, I do enjoy staying up late. My neighborhood is quiet, everyone in my house is asleep, with the exception of a few howls by my beloved dog and the quietness gives way for some really one on one time with God.
Last night prior to bedtime I prayed that God would cleanse me of negative thoughts. I ask him to help me start the day with a shield of armor to protect me so the devil would not steal my joy. I wanted to flush away all my fears and remove anything that would possibly hold me back from doing His will.
This morning as I arose from my short, but deep slumber, I was anything, but happy. I could not determine where the water was coming from nor could I figure out why God had decided of all days, that this needed to be the day to flood my home. I was angry and quick tempered, mostly because I did not have enough sleep and I also knew I would have to stay home to deal with this issue.
I called two very trusted neighbors/friends and was given a name of a good plumber. At 7:00 in the morning I called a plumber and by 9:30 he had arrived and discovered that my pipes under my home had broke. There were tree roots growing through the pipes and they had shifted and in order fro the plumber to fix the problem he was going to have to replace my pipes by digging under my home. Our home sits on a concrete slab.
The plumber showed me through the camera that went through the pipes the breakage of the pipes and showed me how the pipeline is not straight. It was jagged and curved and thorny by the roots of the trees that had grown into the pipes and there was no longer a straight line, but rather pipes broken in pieces and twisted. It was a sight to be seen, one of which I had never saw until now.
The plumber stated that he would get someone to my home today to help him get this problem repaired. I am without water for awhile. The price tag is very expensive, at least in my pocketbook.
I started praying again. I was trying to figure out what God had in mind for me today. It probably meant nothing, but I listened to God as the plumber left, my husband went back to work and I just sat and listened.
As I was relating these pipes to my life, God explained it in a very simple way for my understanding. The pipes under my house were filled with gunk and or sins. My heart was the same. Both pipes and heart have to be cleansed. If the pipes get cleared the water will run freely. If I clear my heart, I will be free to accept God's will for me. He is my pipeline. I can go to God through all the twists and turns in my life and climb over all the roots and thorns and take detours, but there is always a straight and simple pipeline to him and that is through His love for us. By getting the pipeline free and clear of all the gunk and sins in our life we will be able to experience God's loving presence in our life and He will pour His Spirit unto to us. We need a channel for His Love and this channel is crucial.
These clogged, twisted and broken pipes under my house are a reminder to me of how important we need to be free of sin. The channel to God's love is good plumbing to the heart.
It seems all to extreme to have my pipes clogged in order for me to get the big picture today. I guess I'm that kind of girl. I never get the subtle hints that God gives me. I have to have a huge plumbing bill and no water in order to understand the message he is trying to give me.
"Love the LORD your God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him, For the LORD is your life." Deuteronomy 30:20
So for today, "Away goes trouble, down the drain.............."