For the last week I've been trying to think about all the ways I can make changes this year. It was a hard year last year. I do not intend to write about the new year's resolutions but I am going to brainstorm about possibilities.
Two days ago I was tempted and couldn't resist and bought a cup of coffee at four in the afternoon. I did not go to sleep that night. Instead, I stayed up until 4am and cleaned and organized my closet and that of my husband. I pulled out of my closet 4 huge 30 gallon trash bags of clothes and purses and other odd items. I purge myself of the idea that I would get back into my skinny jeans in due time. I am embracing my new figure and If I get my old pre-four children bearing years body back, I will celebrate and buy new ones.
Yesterday I went and got my hair cut. New style, shorter, lighter and fresh. I feel perky today, even though I stayed up late and got up early.
I am going back to the gym today. Haven't been for nearly 4 months. Been too sick. I am going to take it slow and work myself back up to a good exercise regimen and I AM not going to feel embarrassed or disappointed in myself for starting over. It is a new beginning.
I'm going to try to have a defined budget and stick to it even when my kids say "mom, lets' go get a coke or go out to eat or hey mom, its' on sale....." I am simply going to say "it's not in the budget, maybe next month." If it is that important, it can wait. I have a feeling I am not going to be too popular with my children next year. I didn't have a good budget last year and I wasn't popular, so with that, I am going to take the risk. Am I ever the good guy? When my children so much as look at me I melt and give in to them. Not this year, I am going to pretend they are ugly and maybe it will be easier.
I would really like to take two trips by myself to visit my mother and father. Call me selfish, but when I go with my children, I rarely have a conversation with them. My kids are constantly demanding their attention. I want to be their daughter and I want their company. Checking air fairs soon....
I am going to try to get my game face on and journal more. Look out fans.... Look out God....
I want to learn a new skill. Maybe it will be bull riding or better yet, fly a plane. Whatever I choose, I want to love what I decide to do and do it with a passion.
Okay, here it job.... What does one do with a situation like mine, or yours perhaps? Even though I have not explained my situation, I'm sure you probably already have an idea that it is not peaches and cream. How do I resolve, move forward, move on, to tolerate it better? Learn to ride a bull? Try to find God in the daily, hourly, minute by minute frustrations? Is there ever a job that is peaches and cream? Maybe the answer is the "new skill".
I am going to draw, paint, shoot more photography and laugh more......
As this year draws to a close, I am not going to conclude on what I didn't, but what I can do.
As this year draws to a close, I am going to let Him mold me like a jar of clay.
As this year draws to a close, I am going to surrender to possibilities.
As this year draws to a close, I am going to surrender to His will because the Lord says " I will teach you the way you should go: I will instruct you and advise you." Psalm 32:8
As this year draws to a close, I will acknowledge that I am not in control. "We may make our plans, but God has the last word. You may think everything you do is right, but the Lord judges your motives. Ask the Lord to bless your plans, and you will be successful in carrying them out." Proverbs 16:1-3
As the year draws to a close, I acknowledge that these are just ideas, brainstorming ideas. For the Lord says "I alone know the plans I have for you, plans to bring you prosperity and not disaster, plans to bring about the future you hope for." Jeremiah 29:11
As the year draws to a close, I will clatter pots and pans and say:
Happy New Year To All And To All A Good Night.!!!
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