The Character/Movie Star: Me. Time of Day: 7:30am Sunday Morning Occasion: Mother's Day. Setting: my bedroom with me underneath the covers, sound asleep for the first time in two weeks, drooling, snoring, dreaming and I have not awoke for 6 1/2 hours straight. Marathon sleep for me, never happens and probably never will again. Plot: The son, three daughters, grandchild and husband think it's a good idea to wake mom from her slumber.
Scene 1: Son goes to wake father to tell him it is Mother's Day and the family should wake mom up and feed her. (Son doesn't know that mother had a HUGE bowel of ice cream at 1:00a.m. and that she is probably not hungry). Father grumbles, tosses around, groans again and slowly gets out of bed. Son continues to wake everyone else up in the house.
Scene 2: The family shuffles to the kitchen (especially husband) to make movie star/me/mom breakfast. They all whisper (mom is a light sleeper due to the many crying babies at night during child bearing years) and they make breakfast, develop a plan to wish me, the movie star, a happy Mother's Day Surprise.
Scene 3: Six people scurrying around the kitchen trying to create the perfect breakfast for their mother/wife without arguing and making a lot of noise or waking their dear mother. (I'm sure there was grumbling with everyone having their own ideas about the breakfast and what each person's part was going to be in this memorable occasion). Task accomplished. A tray filled with a plate of pancakes, syrup, butter, napkin, silver wear, creamer and sugar and cup of coffee await my surprise as they carry the tray into my room. The tray of food is followed by a bouquet of flowers (purple tulips, main character's favorite flower), along with a beautifully wrapped package. The Mother's Day surprise commences as scene 4 begins.
Scene 4: Setting: Movie Star's bedroom. A small tap on the shoulders of the movie star by her son followed by a lumpy movement under the sheets and a loud noise or rude comment by me, of course, complaining without noticing the audience of her family as to why he was waking her
up at this hour. Me, of course, is very disorientated, probably from the drug induced coma of her ice cream a few hours prior, not sure of the intention of her son. She pulls her self free from the heavy covers of her bed and notices her whole family standing before her with gift, flowers and tray of food before her. Me, still in my ice cream stupor, not sure why the family is standing at the end of her bed, realizes that her grumbling may have been offensive to the members of her family, therefore apologizes and realizes that it is Mother's Day.
Scene 5: All family members wish me a Happy Mother's Day to my surprise. Movie Star is very confused as to how they actually pulled this little number off this morning. She is actually baffled and tongue tied, which is a first if you know anything about me.
Scene 6: A lot of hugging and kissing going on right after the gift giving and assurance that my coffee was made just the way I like it. And to my surprise, the coffee was made just right.
Scene 7: Family members leave the room feeling a sense of delight that they made their mother feel very exceptional. Me the mother is aghast, actually still in stupor or hung over from the late night ice cream and wondering if she should have any syrup on her pancakes with all things considered. Nevertheless, she eats the pancakes with syrup. Movie Star me is feeling very right with the world and is very impressed with her fellow actors that played the part in the movie on Mother's Day.
Scene 8: Movie star reflects on the days events. She is most especially impressed not so much with the gifts or flowers or breakfast, but by the fact that they each family member got up and scurried around to make me feel like a very SPECIAL MOTHER. They all played the part not just by acting, but by displaying true, genuine, and authentic love by their words and actions. This was the gift that the movie star especially liked this day of Mother's Day.
Motherhood: A gift from God. A Journey with God. Saying 'yes' to God.
Joshua 24:15 "...As for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."
The End
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