Sometimes I think I would have been a good fireman/woman in another life. I've had to put out many fires in my lifetime and lately I've had quite a bit of practice.
This year ny husband and I celebrated 26 years of marriage, plus an additional 4 years of dating (30 years we have been together). We opened each others cards from last year on our anniversary this year. It was kind of weird opening cards that sat on our desk for a full year, but I believe we needed to revisit that moment in our lives that demanded so much attention.
We went to eat at a restaurant that has outdoor seating, very casual and a little place where kids can go and play in the sand outdoors. Of course we didn't take our kids and they certainly wouldn't play in the sand at their ages now, however we feel comfortable in a setting like this were we can go and relax and just plain be ourselves. No pretenses. We didn't plan it either. We both came home from work and said 'lets go get a bite'. I think deep down we were afraid we were going to loose this day as well if we set ourselves up with the planning. My heart was still healing from the previous year. We weren't sure how to go forth and make up an anniversary especially when we missed the number 25 and here we were at 26. Do you pretend you didn't miss it or just move to number 26? I didn't get him a card this year because he still hadn't opened his card I had given him on our 25th. Was the message the same? I couldn't even remember what I had wrote and as it turns out he couldn't either. Everything was out of order. But we laughed at the idea. and the mix up, a year later.
Love is a funny thing I guess. We are constant in each other's lives. Our love has been challenged many times. We've even gone the route of counseling, not speaking for weeks at a time and we actually endured not speaking to each other for almost a month. Anger got the best of us. I think God did us both a favor by humbling our lips. Too much could have been said that didn't need to be said and God saved us from the possible demise of our marriage. Not speaking for a month was a lot cheaper than going to a counselor, but I also believe it was a lot harder. Some may say we took the high road and got off easy by not listening to each other and dealing with issues. I think we needed time. Love is constant!
My husband bought me a card on our 26th anniversary. I did not buy him a card. My husband bought me flowers. I didn't buy him flowers. My husband bought me gifts. I did not buy him any gifts. My husband said he understands because he loves me. I love my husband.
In 26 years of marriage we have......
1. 4 children
2. we've lived in 11 homes
3. sickness beyond belief
4. been a member to 7 different churches due to moving
5. lived in three states.
6. mourned the death of family members
7. had too many jobs.
8. 26 Christmas'
9. 26 Easter's
10. Many blessed friendships
11. 26 birthday cards
12. 26 anniversary cards
13. too many fish
14. 6 dogs
15. 2 cats
16 2 birds
17. 21 cars
18. broken bones and surgeries
19. vacations
20. forgiveness
21. not enough money
22. 25 tax returns
23. lots of fights
24. lots of making up
25. one missed anniversary
Colossians 3:12-17 "Put on then, as God's chosen ones, holy and beloved, heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, bearing with one another and forgiving one another, if one has a grievance against another; as the Lord has forgiven you, so must you also do. And over all these put on love, that is, the bond of perfection. And let the peace of Christ control your hearts, the peace into which you were also called in one body. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, as in all wisdom you teach and admonish one another, singing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God. And what ever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him."
#26. TWENTY SIX years of LOVE!!!